I am overjoyed every minute he discovers something he has never seen before, from details in a painting to realizing what goose bumps look like! He is totally excited and grateful for his new vision and sends out a million 'thank yous' as well.

Grace Guldeman

Without your knowledge and expertise in your field, I would have never been educated on the many avenues of treatment for Keratoconus . The Intacs are incredible!! We have visited many eye/vision professionals who never gave us even a glimmer of hope for what we felt was an irreversible eye disease. I'll be singing your praises from now on.

May you be richly blessed as you continue giving so freely of the gift God has given you, the ability to bring sight to the blind and hope to the hopeless. OH ...and a driver’s license to desperate teenagers! ha ha

Smiles : )

Mary Grace Guldeman

Hendersonville, TN