During my early elementary school years I was the only one with glasses. Then later on in school other peers wore glasses but they were not 2 inches thick. I don't remember my classmates or other children remarking about them. But, I do remember adults being inconsiderate. Many adults would remark about them and that's how they remembered me..."Oh she's the one with the thick glasses." It bothered me, but I was always very grateful that I had them to see.  

In the last few years I have asked several eye doctors about corrective surgery only to be told that my eyesight was too severe to be corrected.  

This morning when I awoke I did what I have always done every morning of my life for the last 55 years. I automatically reached for my glasses beside my bed. They weren't there. I checked my other nightstand and my glasses weren't there either. Then I saw my alarm clock and I could see what time it was.... I smiled.  

Dr Wang, you are a God send!  

Thank you for sharing your remarkable gifts!  

Jo Webster